

أخر المواضيع

الثلاثاء، 21 مايو 2019

Founder Huawei :Google is looking with the company ways to deal with the US embargo on them

لمن يقول ان هواوي ستنتهي بعد انهاء عقدها مع جوجل 
اقول أن شركة هواوي مستعدة لهذا اليوم و لديها خطة"B" بالفعل 
حيث قامت في وقت سابق بتطوير نظام تشغيل خاص بها في حالة حظرها من استخدام أندرويد أو ويندوز 
حيث قد كشف ريتشارد يو المسؤول التنفيذي لشركة هواوي في مقابلة أجريت مؤخرًا مع صحيفة Die Welt الالمانية، عن خطة للشركة بخصوص إحتمال حظر الخدمات الأمريكية في الصين:

“لقد أعددنا نظام التشغيل الخاص بنا، إذا اتضح أنه لم يعد بإمكاننا استخدام هذه الأنظمة، فسوف نكون مستعدين ولدينا الخطة ب”.

وقد بدأت هواوي العمل على استبدال نظام أندرويد في وقت مبكر من عام 2012 عندما فتحت الولايات المتحدة تحقيقًا حول هواوي و ZTE، وفقًا لـ South China Morning Post، وكانت لا تزال تعمل على تطوير النظام في عام 2016 استعدادا لهاته المرحلة. 
جدير بالذكر ان النظام قد يأتي تحت اسم "hongmeng"

The company is discussing with US Internet and technology giant Google the ways to deal with the restrictions imposed by the administration of US President Donald Trump on the dealings of US companies with the Chinese company, said Ren Xingvi, the founder of China's telecommunications equipment giant Huawei .
In an interview with a number of Chinese media, the founder of "Huawei" said that "Google is a good company, a company is very responsible," adding that they discuss with "Huawei" ways to mitigate the impact of the measures imposed by the US Department of Commerce this weekend, which requires US companies to obtain a permit Prior to the supply of any products to "Huawei".
This comes as the Ministry of Commerce announced yesterday the granting of companies 90 days before the implementation of the new procedures.
Google has said that it will continue to support the current Huawei smart phones using the Android operating system developed by Google. At the same time, after the introduction of new US restrictions, Huawei users will not be able to take advantage of Google's other digital services, such as Google Maps and Gmail, which reduces the popularity of these phones.
The US ban will also affect the dealings of US chip makers such as Intel, Qualcomm, Zelenix and Broadcom with Huawei. Informed sources said the companies told their employees to sever their ties with Huawei until further notice.
For its part, the German chip company "Invites" that stopped the supply of products produced by US factories to the company, "Huawei," but denied reports that stopped all shipments of chips to the Chinese company.
"Europe continues to communicate strongly with us," Rennes said, adding Huawei's technology for the fifth generation of telecommunications networks would suit European needs.
The US government has accused the Chinese company of helping the Chinese government spy on other countries, but has not provided any evidence to support the charge. Washington is also pressing European countries to ban the use of Huawei products in the fifth generation mobile phone networks, claiming that the use of these products is a threat to the national security of these countries.
The European Chamber of Commerce in China on Monday announced its opposition to "misuse of national security in trade talks or to implement protectionist measures."
Huawei, the world's second-largest smart phone maker after South Korea's Samsung Electronics and ahead of Apple, can withstand US pressure, Ren said.
"Our energy is so great, the company will not have negative impacts on growth, and this will not hurt the industry. With regard to fifth-generation technology, no one can compete with Huawei in the next two or three years," he said.

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